News is News: The State of Media and Campus Newspaper Practices among students in Benguet State University

by Rosella O. Ocampo and Ruth O. Naimes


After the pandemic, city’s media workers both print and broadcast suffered
financially across Luzon, some staff gave them a pay cut, small local newspapers closed,
and the remaining media companies encountered a lot of difficulties (Dumlao, 2020). This
is a qualitative study exploring the situation of media and campus newspaper practices
particularly in Cordillera. The study aims for knowing the insight from the students of
Cordillera in Benguet State University under the College of Arts and Humanities about
their views and perceptions of prevailing future of media potential for their employment
after graduation. The 86 student-participants from three different programs under BA in
Communication, BA in English and BA in Filipino Language were surveyed in their
engagement and consumption of journalism and media-related cultural materials. A
background profiling of the participants on their interest on journalism subjects, press
conferences, journalism skills earned and their career path.

The participants values the following aspects of journalism practices observed and
applied in media profession, these are: a.) verify facts in writing in media and newspaper,
b.) dress appropriately when delivering news, c.) can sustain originality in creative content
writing, d.) work ethically in technical workmanship in newspaper, and e.) then work under
pressure while beating the deadline in broadcasting. In pursuing journalism as a potential
career, an overwhelming number of participants, 69 out of 86 differs working towards
journalism and the media profession. The following concerns inhibiting their potential to
engage in media profession should be addressed, these includes: a.) low salary, b.)
pressure works politically and, in the family, then finally, c.) the problem of time
management as most prefer flexible working arrangement in their jobs.


After the pandemic, there are a lot of challenges in the field of media wherein it
affects solely most of its workers. City’s media workers suffered financially across Luzon,
moreover, out of 14 daily and weekly publishing companies in Baguio City, 6 were only
to remain; therefore, some staff gave them a pay cut, (Dumlao, 2020). With this
connection that also surrounds the Baguio City community, journalists have to deal with
low wages, safety risks and lack of benefits (Catajan, 2022). The media is accountable in
distributing news or updates that are happening in its surroundings, as well as the purpose
of campus journalism in every school. It is concerned how well the students, particularly
the graduating students, engage through the media and journalism.

Research Questions and Objectives

This research surveys the journalism practices and media-related perceptions of
communication and language students of Benguet State University, it aims to understand
the current experiences and attitude of students towards journalism and media profession. It aims to answer the following questions:

a.) What is the journalism-related experiences and perceptions of the studentparticipants after the pandemic?

b.) What are the perceived professional values and skills needed in journalism and
media working field?


This study will help us know the perceived media and campus newspaper practices in
Benguet as precursor to potential engagement of students in the field. This study aims
to gain insight from the students of Cordillera in Benguet State University BSU under the
college of arts and humanities about their perceptions to what is expected from an
individual engaging in journalism and media practices, and to know if they were to pursue
the journalism and media field after they graduate. To explore this situation, the study: (1)
identified the skills needed in media and newspaper publication (2) figured out the
experiences, perceptions and insights on matters that help students/practitioners/
workers in the newspaper and media broadcast here in the Cordillera?


The study employed a qualitative research design using descriptive survey
questionnaire tools. For the students as target participants, the following criteria was
used: (1) enrolled in Benguet State University BSU La Trinidad campus (2) enrolled from
the college of arts and humanities (3) have taken the subjects related to media and
journalism. The study involved 86 participants, of which 68 are the 4th year graduating
students while 18 are the 3rd year students.
Findings and Conclusion
Findings showed that students favored a premium standard of verify facts towards
their consumption of newspapers and media content. They view credibility in terms of
visual presentation of journalists and anchors emphasizing the need to dress
appropriately and professionally when delivering the news. They also value originality in
creative content writing along with the need to work ethically in technical workmanship in
newspaper activities. However, they view working under pressure and beating the
deadline top most difficult task in the field. These perceptions matter in shaping the
newspaper and media landscape in the Cordillera are the following as found out in the
research, for newspapers, the main source of information is the Midland Courier while for
social media, Facebook tops the survey. When it comes to news on television, the GMA
network is the one they mostly watch TV broadcast. For radio stations, the Bombo Radyo
is the one they listen to most of the time. When it comes to gathering information on the
internet, Google is their prior list. Lastly, in pursuing journalism after they graduate, out of
86 participants, 69 were not working towards journalism and the media profession. It is
suggested to manage the concerns in their perspective about the challenges and
problems such as low salary, pressure induced by political relations and discussions in
their families, while addressing also the poor time management of students so to increase
their potential in pursuing journalism and media profession in the future.

Catajan, M.E. (2022). Keeping sane: The battle of Baguio community journalists with
mental health. Northern Dispatch.
Dumlao, A. (2020). Cordillera journalists put up credit cooperative. Philippine Star


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